The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said it is postponing some data collections from industry on Bureau-related rules to allow financial companies to work with customers in responding to the coronavirus pandemic.
Tag: Kathy Kraninger

CFPB Relaxes Information Collection, Reporting During Pandemic
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said it is postponing some data collections from industry on Bureau-related rules to allow financial companies to work with customers in responding to the coronavirus pandemic.

The Week Ahead
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Kathy Kraninger appears before the Senate Banking Committee this Tuesday, Mar. 10 to deliver The Bureau’s Semi-Annual Report to Congress.

The CFPB Policy Statement on ‘Abusive Acts or Practices:’ What it Means
On Friday, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued a policy statement providing a “common-sense framework” on how it intends to apply the “abusiveness” standard in supervision and enforcement matters–a clarification long-awaited by Mortgage Bankers Association and the real estate finance community.

MBA Statement on CFPB Letter to Congress on QM Standard
On Jan. 17, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Kathy Kraninger sent a letter to members of Congress, signaling proposed changes to the current Qualified Mortgage standard.

MBA Statement on CFPB Letter to Congress on QM Standard
On Jan. 17, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Kathy Kraninger sent a letter to members of Congress, signaling proposed changes to the current Qualified Mortgage standard.

MBA Advocacy Update
Last week, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Kathy Kraninger gave her semi-annual report before the House Financial Services Committee and the Senate Banking Committee. And the Financial Accounting Standards Board announced that it will delay the implementation date of the Current Expected Credit Loss standard for small public companies and private companies.