Navigating the complexities of financing, regulatory compliance and market dynamics in real estate finance requires more than just individual effort; it demands a robust collaborative framework. Public-private partnerships are essential to this.
Tag: Katelynn Harris Walker

Empowering Renters Empowers the Market
In the face of a housing crisis exacerbated by the pandemic, the role of renter education and financial empowerment grows more crucial every day.

Harnessing Data and Insights: News from the Affordable Rental Housing Advisory Council
MBA NewsLink recently interviewed Victor Calanog of Manulife Investment Management and Daron Tubian of Barings, who lead the 2024 Affordable Rental Housing Advisory Council.

Housing Supply Accelerator Initiative Releases Playbook to Boost Attainable, Equitable Housing Supply
The Mortgage Bankers Association is proud to partner with the American Planning Association, the National League of Cities and others on the Housing Supply Accelerator, a collaborative effort aimed at boosting diverse, attainable and equitable housing supply across the United States.

Housing Supply Accelerator Initiative Releases Playbook to Boost Attainable, Equitable Housing Supply
The Mortgage Bankers Association is proud to partner with the American Planning Association, the National League of Cities and others on the Housing Supply Accelerator, a collaborative effort aimed at boosting diverse, attainable and equitable housing supply across the United States.

MBA NewsLink Q&A with Daron Tubian of Barings, Chair of the 2024 Affordable Rental Housing Advisory Council
MBA NewsLink recently interviewed Daron Tubian, who was named Chair of the 2024 Affordable Rental Housing Advisory Council at CREF24 in San Diego.

Today at 2:00 ET: CONVERGENCE: Strategies for Serving Millennial and Gen Z Homebuyers
Join us for an educational webinar to explore the unique housing challenges and emerging trends that millennials and Gen Z homebuyers face.

Nov. 2: CONVERGENCE: Strategies for Serving Millennial and Gen Z Homebuyers
Join us for an educational webinar to explore the unique housing challenges and emerging trends that millennials and Gen Z homebuyers face.

Nov. 2: CONVERGENCE: Strategies for Serving Millennial and Gen Z Homebuyers
Join us for an educational webinar to explore the unique housing challenges and emerging trends that millennials and Gen Z homebuyers face.

CONVERGENCE: Strategies for Serving Millennial and Gen Z Homebuyers Nov. 2
Join us for an educational webinar to explore the unique housing challenges and emerging trends that millennials and Gen Z homebuyers face.