Industry news from iEmergent, Indecomm, Outamation, Enact Mortgage Insurance, Towne Mortgage Co. and Clarifire.
Tag: Indecomm

Industry Briefs Apr. 7, 2023: HUD Extends AFFH Proposed Rules Comment Period by 2 Weeks
HUD extended the public comment date for its Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing proposed rule by 14 days, to April 24, per a notice in the Federal Register.

Industry Briefs Jan. 31, 2023: Revolution Mortgage Partners with Silverwork Solutions
Silverwork Solutions, Chicago, a developer of digital workforce BOTs, announced a partnership with Revolution Mortgage, Columbus, Ohio.

Industry Briefs, Jan. 18, 2023: Inflation’s Impact on Small Businesses
Biz2Credit, New York, announced findings of its Small Business Inflation Study that analyzed the revenues and expenditures of more than 140,000 U.S. small businesses from January 2019 to October 2022.

Industry Briefs Dec. 9, 2022: ACES Quality Management Announces Upgrades
ACES Quality Management, Denver, enhanced its proprietary ACES CONNECT portal to extend its flexibility and user control capabilities.

Industry Briefs Sept. 23, 2022: CFPB Annual Report Shows End to Refi Boom, Rise in Home Purchase Loans
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released its annual report on residential mortgage lending activity and trends for 2021. The report shows a shift from refinance loans in 2020 to home purchase loans in 2021, with a greater share of home purchase loans going to Asian, Black and Hispanic white borrowers

Industry Briefs May 19, 2022: CFPB Launches New Effort to Promote Competition in Consumer Finance
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is opening a new office, the Office of Competition and Innovation, as part of a new approach to help spur innovation in financial services by promoting competition and identifying stumbling blocks for new market entrants.

Industry Briefs Aug. 17, 2021
The Federal Housing Finance Agency released reports providing the results of the 2020 and 2021 annual stress tests Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under the Dodd-Frank Act.

Industry Briefs Mar. 19, 2021
Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp., Madison, Wis., in the wake of recent actions by United Wholesale Mortgage to obtain exclusive partnerships with mortgage brokers, said it reaffirmed its commitment to all its mortgage origination partners, including mortgage brokers help consumers find options for financing a home.

Industry Briefs Jan. 26, 2021
SitusAMC Holdings Corp., New York, acquired Assimilate Solutions LLC, a provider of mortgage and title knowledge process outsourcing and information technology outsourcing platforms.