(The New Normal) Larry Silver: The Future of Mortgage Professionals Reimagined for a Hybrid Workplace

Working from home proved liberating for many people, either because they got more work done or they gained a better work-life balance. At this point, we can’t just put the genie back in the bottle. So, how will the mortgage industry manage the shift back to the office, or will they? Now that our face-to-face meeting-driven, paper-intensive industry has been thrust into the future, does it make sense to return to the past?

(The New Normal) Larry Silver: The Future of Mortgage Professionals Reimagined for a Hybrid Workplace

Working from home proved liberating for many people, either because they got more work done or they gained a better work-life balance. At this point, we can’t just put the genie back in the bottle. So, how will the mortgage industry manage the shift back to the office, or will they? Now that our face-to-face meeting-driven, paper-intensive industry has been thrust into the future, does it make sense to return to the past?