MBA, HPC Send Letter to VA on VASP Implementation

The Mortgage Bankers Association and Housing Policy Council recently sent a letter to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) regarding more information and guidance about implementation of the Veterans Affairs Servicing Purchase (VASP) program.

MBA, Trade Groups Urge HUD to Issue ‘Clear Roadmap’ for Servicers in LIBOR Transition

As HUD considers changes to its index for FHA-insured adjustable-rate mortgages away from LIBOR, the Mortgage Bankers Association and other industry trade groups urged the Department to issue a clear roadmap for servicers of FHA-insured ARMs, including specification of a replacement comparable index or indices for existing mortgages, as well as guidance on communications with borrowers.

‘Not Ok? That’s Ok:’ Financial Services, Consumer Coalition Launches Borrower Awareness Campaign

The Mortgage Bankers Association and a broad coalition of financial services stakeholders – including mortgage servicers, trade associations, housing counseling agencies, governmental agencies and think tanks – launched a consumer awareness campaign to reach borrowers who have missed one or more mortgage payments as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and may be eligible for forbearance assistance under the CARES Act or other forms of mortgage payment relief.

MBA, Trade Groups Give HUD Feedback on CWCOT Program

The Mortgage Bankers Association, the Housing Policy Council and the National Mortgage Servicing Association submitted joint comments to HUD on its proposed enhancements to its Claims Without Conveyance of Title (CWCOT) Program).

MBA, Trade Groups Give HUD Feedback on CWCOT Program

The Mortgage Bankers Association, the Housing Policy Council and the National Mortgage Servicing Association submitted joint comments to HUD on its proposed enhancements to its Claims Without Conveyance of Title (CWCOT) Program).