HUD extended the public comment date for its Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing proposed rule by 14 days, to April 24, per a notice in the Federal Register.
Tag: Fiserv

Christopher Brown of Fiserv: Lenders Warm Up to Open Banking
As the federal government and other high profile financial services providers have embraced the cloud, lenders increasingly consider open banking a safe and efficient option to hosting services in their own data centers. This is a positive development for reasons that benefit borrowers and lenders alike.

Christopher Brown of Fiserv: Lenders Warm Up to Open Banking
As the federal government and other high profile financial services providers have embraced the cloud, lenders increasingly consider open banking a safe and efficient option to hosting services in their own data centers. This is a positive development for reasons that benefit borrowers and lenders alike.

Christopher Brown of Fiserv: Lenders Warm Up to Open Banking
As the federal government and other high profile financial services providers have embraced the cloud, lenders increasingly consider open banking a safe and efficient option to hosting services in their own data centers. This is a positive development for reasons that benefit borrowers and lenders alike.

Christopher Brown of Fiserv: Lenders Warm Up to Open Banking
In the lending industry, open banking, which typically involves the use of application programming interfaces to connect various systems in the cloud, already has a strong foothold. Now, as the federal government and other high profile financial services providers have embraced the cloud, lenders increasingly consider open banking a safe and efficient option to hosting services in their own data centers. This is a positive development for reasons that benefit borrowers and lenders alike.

Christopher Brown of Fiserv: Lenders Warm Up to Open Banking
In the lending industry, open banking, which typically involves the use of application programming interfaces to connect various systems in the cloud, already has a strong foothold. Now, as the federal government and other high profile financial services providers have embraced the cloud, lenders increasingly consider open banking a safe and efficient option to hosting services in their own data centers. This is a positive development for reasons that benefit borrowers and lenders alike.

Industry Briefs May 19, 2022: Narrow Gauge Capital Acquires Inco-Check LLC
Inco-Check LLC, Boston, announced Narrow Gauge Capital completed acquisition of a majority interest in the company.

Housing Market Roundup: Dec. 21, 2021
So many reports, so little time. Here’s a roundup of recent housing market reports that came across the MBA NewsLink desk:

Jim Freeman of Fiserv: Mortgage Magic in Thinking Big
The truth is, there is magic in thinking big, especially for the mortgage industry and especially now. In fact, viewing the industry with a new perspective can only benefit lenders in this changing market.

Jim Freeman of Fiserv: Mortgage Magic in Thinking Big
The truth is, there is magic in thinking big, especially for the mortgage industry and especially now. In fact, viewing the industry with a new perspective can only benefit lenders in this changing market.