There is, not inappropriately, a great deal of attention being paid to commercial real estate right now. And with that attention come a lot of different questions and answers—with many answers varying depending on how one defines things.
Tag: Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

MBA Comments on Prudent Commercial Real Estate Loan Accommodations and Workouts
The Mortgage Bankers Association commented on a proposed policy statement on commercial real estate loan accommodation and workouts published by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and the National Credit Union Administration.

MBA Letter to Agencies Targets Topline CRA Issues
The Mortgage Bankers Association last week sent a letter to federal regulatory agencies, discussing several topline issues it says are crucial to improving the current Community Reinvestment Act framework.

Industry Briefs July 22, 2021
Covius, Denver, announced New American Funding implemented Covius Document Solutions for its default servicing operations. Specifically, New American will use Covius’ 50-state template library and on-demand printing services to prepare and deliver compliant pre-foreclosure/breach letters.

Housing Market Roundup: Apr. 6, 2021
Another round of housing market reports came across MBA NewsLink’s desk over the past few days. Here’s a summary of what’s happening:

MBA Letter Offers Recommendations on Improving CRA Framework
The Mortgage Bankers Association, in a letter this week to the Federal Reserve, offered recommendations on how the Fed could improve the Community Reinvestment Act to improve credit access and more effectively meet the needs of low- and moderate-income communities.

MBA Letter Offers Recommendations on Improving CRA Framework
The Mortgage Bankers Association, in a letter this week to the Federal Reserve, offered recommendations on how the Fed could improve the Community Reinvestment Act to improve credit access and more effectively meet the needs of low- and moderate-income communities.

Federal Agencies Propose Regulation Codifying Use of Supervisory Guidance
Five federal agencies on Thursday issued a proposed regulation that would codify a 2018 guidance clarifying that supervisory guidance does not have “force and effect of law.”

Federal Agencies Propose Regulation Codifying Use of Supervisory Guidance
Five federal agencies yesterday issued a proposed regulation that would codify a 2018 guidance clarifying that supervisory guidance does not have “force and effect of law.”

MBA Appoints Michael Briggs Senior Vice President and General Counsel
The Mortgage Bankers Association appointed Michael W. Briggs as Senior Vice President and General Counsel. He will serve as the association’s chief legal officer and is responsible for managing the legal affairs of the association and its subsidiaries and affiliates.