The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced yesterday an extension to the eviction moratorium further preventing the eviction of tenants who are unable to make rental payments. The moratorium that was scheduled to expire on March 31 is now extended through June 30.
Tag: David Uejio

CFPB: Discrimination Illegal by Lenders on Basis of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau yesterday issued an interpretive rule clarifying that prohibition against sex discrimination under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act and Regulation B includes sexual orientation discrimination and gender identity discrimination.

CFPB Proposes Delay of QM Final Rule Mandatory Compliance Date to Oct. 2022
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau yesterday issued a notice of proposed rulemaking to delay the mandatory compliance date of the General Qualified Mortgage final rule by more than a year, from July 1 to Oct. 1, 2022.