CFPB Loses Key IMB Redlining Case 

On Friday, a District Court in Chicago ruled in CFPB v. Townstone Financial Inc. and Barry Sturner that the Equal Credit Opportunity Act does not extend to prospective applicants under a plain language reading of the statute.

Breaking MBA Advocacy Update: CFPB Loses Key IMB Redlining Case 

On Friday, a District Court in Chicago ruled in CFPB v. Townstone Financial Inc. and Barry Sturner that the Equal Credit Opportunity Act does not extend to prospective applicants under a plain language reading of the statute.

CFPB Proposes Rule to Establish Public Registry on Contracts Limiting Consumer Protections

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Wednesday issued a proposed rule to establish a public registry of supervised nonbanks’ terms and conditions in “take it or leave it” form contracts that claim to waive or limit consumer rights and protections, such as bankruptcy rights, liability amounts or complaint rights.