When loan origination volumes begin to drop, lenders must find ways to be more efficient to maintain profitability. Even with the growth of the past decade and the advances in technology tools, origination costs continue to rise, cutting into lenders’ bottom line.
Tag: Compliance
John Vong, CMB, CMT, on eExams and Lending Compliance
John Vong, CMB, CMT, is president and co-founder of ComplianceEase, Burlingame, Calif., and a frequent contributor to MBA NewsLink.
John Vong, CMB, CMT, on eExams and Lending Compliance
John Vong, CMB, CMT, is president and co-founder of ComplianceEase, Burlingame, Calif., and a frequent contributor to MBA NewsLink.
John Vong, CMB, CMT, on eExams and Lending Compliance
John Vong, CMB, CMT, is president and co-founder of ComplianceEase, Burlingame, Calif., and a frequent contributor to MBA NewsLink.
Adjusting Your Compliance to the Digital Mortgage Landscape
When it comes to mortgages, digital is quickly becoming king. The Mortgage Bankers Association estimates that within three years, most loans will be completely underwritten electronically, with only loans that deviate from standard parameters being reviewed by experienced underwriters.
Mortgage Vendor News & Views
In this ongoing article series, we report on mortgage and credit union vendor marketplace events and trends, and we then share our viewpoints. The primary theme today is the growth of a few vendors, especially in innovation and technology. We also address the age-old question of “Is bigger better?”