Boxwood Means, Stamford, Conn., reported its Small Commercial Price Index and Small Multifamily Price Index have continued to deliver positive results through May, a contrast to the current commercial market.
Tag: Boxwood Means

Boxwood Means Finds Promising Results for Small-Cap Retail in Q2
Boxwood Means, Stamford, Conn., found small-cap retail flourished in Q2, per an analysis of CoStar occupancy data involving retail buildings under 50,000 square feet.

Boxwood Means Finds Promising Results for Small-Cap Retail in Q2
Boxwood Means, Stamford, Conn., found small-cap retail in Q2 flourished, per an analysis of CoStar occupancy data involving small retail buildings under 50,000 square feet.

Small-Cap Office Buildings Buck Concerns in Q1
Conventional thinking says the office market is in crisis, but Boxwood Means, Stamford, Conn., found small-cap office properties aren’t seeing the same trends.

Small-Cap CRE Bounces Back
Boxwood Means LLC, Stamford, Conn., said small-cap commercial real estate is coming back into balance with larger properties after pandemic-induced shocks to the U.S. economy and the CRE markets.

Small-Cap Industrial, Retail Leasing Activity Takes Off
Boxwood Means LLC, Stamford, Conn., said leasing in the small-cap real estate domain showed strong momentum during the first quarter as the economy bounced back from the pandemic.

Leasing Demand Rally Encourages Small-Cap CRE Investors
A fourth-quarter rally in small-cap commercial real estate leasing demand improved the outlook for small-balance lenders and investors, reported Boxwood Means, Stamford, Conn.

Small-Cap Multifamily Shows Resilience
Small-cap multifamily properties are proving resilient during the pandemic-induced recession, reported Boxwood Means, Stamford, Conn.