MBA Advocacy Update Sept. 24, 2021

On Tuesday, House lawmakers passed a continuing resolution along party lines, sending the measure to the Senate for a vote ahead of a Sept. 30 government funding deadline. Meanwhile, MBA led a coalition of associations urging Congress to raise the federal debt limit to avoid roiling financial markets. And MBA’s Research Institute for Housing America released a report that examines climate change’s growing impact on housing and housing finance.

MBA Advocacy Update Sept. 24, 2021

On Tuesday, House lawmakers passed a continuing resolution along party lines, sending the measure to the Senate for a vote ahead of a Sept. 30 government funding deadline. Meanwhile, MBA led a coalition of associations urging Congress to raise the federal debt limit to avoid roiling financial markets. And MBA’s Research Institute for Housing America released a report that examines climate change’s growing impact on housing and housing finance.

MBA Advocacy Update Sept. 20 2021

On Tuesday, following months of MBA advocacy, the Treasury Department and FHFA suspended certain limits on the business activities of the GSEs. On Wednesday, FHFA also announced a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to amend the Enterprise Regulatory Capital Framework Rule.

MBA Advocacy Update Sept. 20 2021

On Tuesday, following months of MBA advocacy, the Treasury Department and FHFA suspended certain limits on the business activities of the GSEs. On Wednesday, FHFA also announced a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to amend the Enterprise Regulatory Capital Framework Rule.

MBA Letter Offers Support, Recommendations for House Committee Budget Markup

As the House Financial Services Committee this week begins the reconciliation process for a number of fiscal 2022 legislative and budget priorities, the Mortgage Bankers Association sent a letter to Committee leadership offering support for several programs and recommendations for others.

MBA Advocacy Update Sept. 13, 2021

On Thursday, five House committees, including the House Ways and Means Committee, began to consider their respective reconciliation bills as a non-binding September 15 deadline approaches. Also last week, the Federal Housing Finance Agency announced the GSEs will submit Equitable Housing Finance Plans that will identify and address barriers to sustainable housing opportunities.

MBA Advocacy Update Sept. 13, 2021

On Thursday, five House committees, including the House Ways and Means Committee, began to consider their respective reconciliation bills as a non-binding September 15 deadline approaches. Also last week, the Federal Housing Finance Agency announced the GSEs will submit Equitable Housing Finance Plans that will identify and address barriers to sustainable housing opportunities.

MBA, Trade Groups, MAA Urge Congress to Support Section 1031 Like-Kind Exchanges, Industry Tax Priorities

Ahead of committee action in Congress this week on major infrastructure and economic legislation, the Mortgage Bankers Association and more than three dozen industry trade groups, as well as MBA’s grassroots advocacy arm, the Mortgage Action Alliance, urged senators and representatives to support and defend the real estate finance industry’s tax priorities.

MBA, Trade Groups, MAA Urge Congress to Support Section 1031 Like-Kind Exchanges, Industry Tax Priorities

Ahead of committee action in Congress this week on major infrastructure and economic legislation, the Mortgage Bankers Association and more than three dozen industry trade groups, as well as MBA’s grassroots advocacy arm, the Mortgage Action Alliance, urged senators and representatives to support and defend the real estate finance industry’s tax priorities.

MBA Advocacy Update Sept. 7 2021

Last week, the Biden administration announced a series of actions intended to boost the supply of affordable housing and supplement the larger-scale initiatives of the administration’s “Build Back Better” agenda. The announcement noted the long-standing gap between the supply of and demand for affordable housing – for both homeowners and renters.