RESPA at 50: Necessary Reforms to Modernize RESPA Section 8 (Feb. 5)
About the Event:
The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) Section 8 has long been a cornerstone of real estate law, aimed at protecting consumers by prohibiting unearned fees, kickbacks, and referral fees in real estate transactions.
RESPA recently turned 50. It is time to explore the continued necessity of RESPA Section 8, and the key reforms required to make a half century old law fit the modern mortgage industry. MBA recently released a white paper that explores ways to modernize RESPA Section 8 and ensure the law, regulation and guidance is able to protect consumers and decrease costs and inefficiencies for both the lender and consumer. Our expert panelists will discuss the white paper and upcoming advocacy efforts regarding marketing services agreements and desk rentals, lead generation and digital marketing, and affiliated business arrangements.
Wednesday, February 5 (2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET)
Discuss the background and intent of RESPA Section 8
Review MBA’s white paper and recommendations on marketing services agreements (MSAs) and desk rentals, lead generation and digital marketing, and affiliated business arrangements
Evaluate how the reforms could impact compliance requirements for settlement service providers
Target Audience:
Mortgage Lenders and Loan Officers
Title and Escrow Professionals
Compliance Officers and Legal Counsel in the mortgage and real estate industries
Settlement Service Providers seeking to understand and comply with RESPA Section 8 reforms
Moderator: Alisha Sears, Director, Regulatory Counsel, Mortgage Bankers Association
Brian S. Levy, Of Counsel, Katten & Temple, LLP
Holly S. Bunting, Partner, Mayer Brown LLP
Suzanne Garwood, Managing Director, Associate General Counsel, Chase
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