MBA, Trades Urge Making Section 199A Permanent in Letter to Senator Daines, Rep. Smucker
MBA, 41 state and local mortgage associations, and dozens of trade associations sent a joint letter to Senator Daines and U.S. Representative Lloyd Smucker Tuesday in support of their Main Street Tax Certainty Act of 2025.
This legislation would make permanent the 20-percent deduction for small- and family-owned businesses (Section 199A). This important deduction is scheduled to sunset at the end of 2025.
The letter reads:
Dear Senator Daines and Representative Smucker:
The undersigned business groups strongly support your Main Street Tax Certainty Act of 2025, legislation to make permanent the 20-percent deduction for small- and family-owned businesses (Section 199A).
This legislation would provide certainty to the millions of S corporations, partnerships and sole proprietorships that rely on the Section 199A deduction to remain competitive.
Pass-through businesses are the backbone of the American economy. They account for 95 percent of all businesses and employ 63 percent of all private sector workers. They also form the economic and social foundation for thousands of communities nationwide. Absent their efforts, those communities would face a future of lower growth, fewer jobs, and more boarded up buildings.
Despite its importance, the Section 199A deduction is scheduled to sunset at the end of 2025, even as the businesses it supports continue to struggle with rising prices, labor shortages, and supply chain disruptions. A recent EY study found the loss of Section 199A would put 2.6 million jobs at risk.
Making the Section 199A deduction permanent will help Main Street compete with large public corporations, lead to higher economic growth and more employment, and help prevent a significant tax hike on the very businesses we rely on to drive our economy. Numerous studies by economists Barro and Furman, the American Action Forum, DeBacker and Kasher, EY and others found Section 199A permanence would result in improved parity for Main Street businesses and higher levels of economic growth.
The more quickly Congress acts to make Section 199A permanent, the sooner Main Street businesses can return their focus to economic growth and job creation. We appreciate your introduction of this important legislation and look forward to working with you to see it enacted this year.
AICC, The Independent Packaging Association
Air Conditioning Contractors of America
Alaska Mortgage Bankers Association
Alliance of Automotive Service Providers-New Jersey
American Bankers Association
American Building Materials Alliance
American Council of Engineering Companies
American Council of Independent Laboratories
American Farm Bureau Federation
American Financial Services Association
American Foundry Society
American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers
American Hotel & Lodging Association
American International Automobile Dealers Association
American Lighting Association
American Mold Builders Association
American Rental Association
American Staffing Association
American Subcontractors Association
American Supply Association
American Trucking Associations
American Veterinary Medical Association
America’s SBDC
Arizona Mortgage Lenders Association
Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association
Associated Builders and Contractors
Associated Equipment Distributors
Associated General Contractors of America
Auto Body Association of Connecticut
Automotive Body & Painting Association of Hawaii
Automotive Service Association
California Mortgage Bankers Association
CCIM Institute
Charlotte Regional Mortgage Lenders Association
Chicago Roofing Contractors Association
Coalition of Franchisee Associations
Colorado Cattlemen’s Association
Colorado Mortgage Lenders Association
Connecticut Mortgage Bankers Association
Construction Industry Round Table
Cooperative Network
Distribution Contractors Association
Door and Hardware Institute
Energy Infrastructure Council
Energy Marketers of America
Fabricators and Manufacturers Association
Family Business Association of California
Family Business Coalition
Farm Credit Council
FCA International
Florida Auto Body Association
Florida Roofing & Sheet Metal Contractors Association
FMI – the Food Industry Association
Foodservice Equipment Distributors Association
Forest Resources Association
Forging Industry Association
Franchise Business Services
Glass Packaging Institute
Global Cold Chain Alliance
Hardwood Federation
Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association
Heating, Air-conditioning, & Refrigeration Distributors International
Idaho Mortgage Lenders Association
Illinois Mortgage Bankers Association
Independent Bakers Association
Independent Community Bankers of America
Independent Electrical Contractors
Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (Big “I”)
Independent Lubricant Manufacturers Association
Indiana Mortgage Bankers Association
Industrial Fasteners Institute
Institute of Real Estate Management
International Association of Movers
International Foodservice Distributors Association
International Franchise Association
International Fresh Produce Association
International Housewares Association
International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants (IIBEC)
International Sign Association
International Wood Products Association
Irrigation Association
Kansas Livestock Association
Leading Builders of America
Louisiana Mortgage Bankers Association
Main Street Employers Coalition
Manufactured Housing Institute
Marine Retailers Association of the Americas
Maryland Mortgage Bankers and Brokers Association
Massachusetts Mortgage Bankers Association
Meat Institute
Metals Service Center Institute
MHEDA – Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association
Michigan Farm Bureau
Michigan Mortgage Lenders Association
Midwest Council on Agriculture
Mississippi Mortgage Bankers Association
Missouri Auto Body Association
Montana Association for Mortgage Professionals
Mortgage Bankers Association
Mortgage Bankers Association of Alabama
Mortgage Bankers Association of Arkansas
Mortgage Bankers Association of Eastern Pennsylvania
Mortgage Bankers Association of Florida
Mortgage Bankers Association of Georgia
Mortgage Bankers Association of Metropolitan Washington
Mortgage Bankers Association of Missouri
Mortgage Bankers Association of New Jersey
Mortgage Bankers Association of Pennsylvania
Mortgage Bankers Association of Southwestern Pennsylvania
Mortgage Bankers Association of the Carolinas
NAIOP, Commercial Real Estate Development Association
National Apartment Association
National Asphalt Pavement Association
National Association of Convenience Stores
National Association of Electrical Distributors
National Association of Electrical Distributors (NAED)
National Association of Home Builders
National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors
National Association of Sporting Goods Wholesalers
National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors
National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO)
National Automatic Merchandising Association
National Automobile Dealers Association
National Beer Wholesalers Association
National Christmas Tree Association
National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA)
National Confectioners Association
National Council of Agricultural Employers
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives
National Energy & Fuels Institute (NEFI)
National Fastener Distributors Association
National Federation of Independent Business
National Franchisee Association
National Funeral Directors Association
National Grocers Association
National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association
National Marine Distributors Association
National Milk Producers Federation
National Multifamily Housing Council
National Onion Association
National Peach Council
National Potato Council
National Propane Gas Association
National Ready Mixed Concrete Association
National Restaurant Association
National Roofing Contractors Association
National RV Dealers Association (RVDA)
National Small Business Association
National Society of Accountants for Cooperatives
National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association
National Tooling and Machining Association
National Wooden Pallet & Container Association
NATSO, Representing America’s Travel Centers and Truck Stops
Nebraska Auto Body Association
Nebraska Cooperative Council
Nebraska Mortgage Association
New Hampshire Mortgage Bankers and Brokers Association
New Mexico Mortgage Lenders Association
New York Mortgage Bankers Association
Non-Ferrous Founders’ Society
North American Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers (NAFEM)
North American Die Casting Association
North American Equipment Dealers Association
North Dakota Grain Growers Association
Ohio Farm Bureau
Ohio Mortgage Bankers Association
Oklahoma Auto body Association
Oklahoma Mortgage Bankers Association
Oregon Cattlemen’s Association
Oregon Mortgage Bankers Association
Outdoor Power Equipment and Engine Service Association
Pellet Fuels Institute
Pennsylvania Farm Bureau
Pennsylvania Utility Contractors Association
Performance Racing Industry (PRI)
Petroleum Equipment Institute – PEI
Plastics Pipe Institute
Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors – National Association
Precision Machined Products Association
Precision Metalforming Association
PRINTING United Alliance
Professional Beauty Association
Refrigerated Foods Association
Rhode Island Mortgage Bankers Association
Roofing Contractors Association of Southern California
S Corporation Association
Service Station Dealers of America and Allied Trades
SIGMA: America’s Leading Fuel Marketers
Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council
Small Business Legislative Council (SBLC)
Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS)
Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association
Southwest Florida Roofing Contractors Association
Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA)
Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance
Subchapter S Bank Association
Tag and Label Manufacturers Institute
Tennessee Mortgage Bankers Association
Texas Farm Bureau
Texas Mortgage Bankers Association
Textile Care Allied Trades Association
The Association for Hose and Accessories Distribution
The Fertilizer Institute
The Real Estate Roundtable
The Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA)
The Transportation Alliance
The Wholesale Florist and Florist Supplier Association
Tile Roofing Industry Alliance
Tire Industry Association
Truck Renting and Leasing Association
U.S. Apple Association
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
US Rice Producers Association
US Sweet Potato Council
Utah Association of Mortgage Professionals
Valve Manufacturers Association
Virginia Association of Roofing Professionals
Virginia Cattlemen’s Association
WASDA – Water and Sewer Distributors of America
Washington Mortgage Bankers Association
West Texas Mortgage Bankers Association
Western Growers
Wholesale Florist & Floral Supplier Association
Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America
Wine Institute
Wisconsin Mortgage Bankers Association
WISPA – Broadband Without Boundaries
Wood Industry Association
Workplace Solutions Association