Affordable Housing Insights Fireside Chat with Federal Housing Commissioner Julia Gordon

(MBA Associate Vice President of Affordable Housing Initiatives Wendy Penn (l.) and
Federal Housing Commissioner Julia Gordon)

The Mortgage Bankers Association’s Affordable Housing Initiatives team recently interviewed Federal Housing Commissioner Julia Gordon for its Affordable Housing Insights Fireside Chat Series, an interview series with housing industry leaders.

In the interview with MBA’s Wendy Penn, Gordon reflected on her two years in the role of Federal Housing Commissioner and discussed how her previous experiences prepared her for the position.

Gordon explained why she believes stakeholder engagement is critical to FHA’s success and discussed the importance of recognizing the hard work and dedication of her team. She also shared why her career in the housing industry has been both professionally and personally rewarding.

Gordon serves as the Assistant Secretary for Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. She was nominated for this role by President Biden and was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on May 12, 2022. Throughout her career, Gordon has been both a strong advocate for and hands-on practitioner working to achieve equal justice, fairness and equity in housing, and consumer protections.

Click here to view the video.