MISMO Publishes Ability to Repay Decision Model and Notation White Paper

MISMO, the real estate finance industry’s standards organization announced the publication of The Ability to Repay Decision Model and Notation white paper.

The Ability to Repay Decision Model and Notation white paper demonstrates how decision modeling and notation language can be used with the MISMO Logical Data Model (LDM). The white paper presents a use case for decision modeling using Regulation Z data points and the MISMO Version 3.5 Reference Model. Output can then be converted into a MISMO compliant application programming interface (API).

Decision Model and Notation (DMN) is an Object Management Group (OMG) standard that defines how decision logic is expressed within a business process.

MISMO’s work to solve key business challenges is made possible by its members, champions, sponsors, and lender support through the Innovation Investment Fee. Visit MISMO.org to learn how you can get involved.