CREW Survey: Women in Commercial Real Estate Say Deals Currently More Difficult

(Survey responses to: “Was it difficult to get deals done?”; Image courtesy of CREW Network)

CREW Network, Lawrence, Kan., released a survey of women in commercial real estate, finding that in the second quarter, 66% said dealmaking was more difficult. That’s up 10% from the year-ago figure.

Thirty-one percent said it’s been “business as usual” and 2% said deals were easier.

Looking forward, 69% of respondents said they believe lower interest rates will boost the commercial real estate industry this year, followed by stabilized/decreased economic inflation at 49% and increase of available capital and funding at 47%.

Only 14% of respondents said they don’t expect to see growth in the industry this year.

In terms of the global economy, 18% are not at all concerned about a recession, 66% are somewhat concerned, and believe a short/mild recession will take place, and 16% are very concerned.

The majority of women–61%–said their company is very supportive of their professional and leadership development, and another 35% said their company is somewhat supportive. And, 62% said they asked for professional or leadership development funding in 2024.

CREW Network–a professional association for women in commercial real estate–surveyed nearly 1,000 women in May 2024, mostly from the U.S., with some respondents in Canada and the United Kingdom.

The largest percentage of respondents–26%-work in the office sector, followed by multifamily at 19% and industrial/manufacturing at 16%.