Today: California’s Corporate Climate Data Accountability Act (MBA Webinar)
Join MBA and industry experts for a look at how this bill, along with related legislation signed by the governor, requires companies operating in California to provide data on the climate impact of their operations or face penalties. Both efforts create a complex reporting and accounting regime for companies to navigate, and MBA members doing business in California will need to understand these new requirements.
While MBA and our industry partners will oppose similar policy proposals in other states and will work with the California MBA and other stakeholders to engage in the rulemaking process and provide member guidance, it is important for you to hear what is in the bill, questions that still need to be answered, and what might be next.
Click here for more information.
Thursday, December 14 (2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET)
What does the law say and how did we get here?
High-level questions that still need to be answered
What’s next and how the law will be implemented
Brief overview of the SEC’s Proposed Rule and industry concerns
What if the SEC implements a similar law?
Experience Level:
Entry Level
Target Audience:
Executives of companies that do business in California
Chief Compliance Officers and Compliance Staff
In-house and Outside Counsel
Financial Analysts and Accounting Staff
William Kooper, Vice President of State Government Affairs & Industry Relations, Mortgage Bankers Association
Susan Milazzo, Chief Executive Officer, California Mortgage Bankers Association
Stephanie Milner, Associate Vice President, Multifamily, Mortgage Bankers Association
Sanford Shatz, Of Counsel, McGlinchey Stafford Raymond Snytsheuvel, Partner, Garris Horn