This Just In: Mike Sorohan Retires

That’s a wrap. MBA NewsLink Editor Mike Sorohan retired Friday after more than 23 years with MBA.

Mike joined MBA in December 1999 after replying to an advertisement in the Washington Post. He started writing for MBA’s weekly print publication, Real Estate Finance Today. Sensing opportunity in email newsletters before many other editors saw it, he created MBA NewsLink in 2002.

“Mike Sorohan was the brains behind the creation of the MBA NewsLink collection of daily and weekly publications in 2002,” said MBA President and CEO Bob Broeksmit, CMB. “At the time, the idea of an in-house daily email newsletter was revolutionary–both in the real estate finance space and among trade associations.”

Broeksmit noted email newsletters have proliferated in recent years but called MBA NewsLink required reading for tens of thousands who work in real estate finance. “For MBA, NewsLink gives us daily engagement with our members to share with them the news and information they need to successfully operate their businesses, update them on what MBA is doing for them and promote our products and services,” he said.

Broeksmit called Mike a stalwart observer and chronicler of all things mortgage for decades. “Your contributions have been immense,” he said. “Enjoy your well-earned retirement!” 

Gail Cardwell, former MBA Senior Vice President of Commercial/Multifamily, called Mike a great person and great professional. “It was such a pleasure to work alongside Mike for over a decade during my tenure at MBA,” she said. “He is the consummate professional, always demonstrating grace under pressure. Aggressive in meeting deadlines, yet unassuming in character, Mike strived for excellence and integrity in his work. When Mike offered comments, I always listened to him, knowing he had considered every aspect of the article. He is a humble, bright and exceptional man.”

Journalists and Public Relations practitioners also enjoyed with Sorohan. “If you looked up the term ‘Gentleman and a Scholar,’ you’d find Mike Sorohan’s headshot,” said Lew Sichelman, a nationally syndicated housing columnist. “He has been more than a workforce colleague; he has been a friend. His daily newsletter on behalf of the MBA is always top-notch, and the reports he personally authors are always spot-on with details and quotes the rest of us reporters often find difficult to obtain. I know MBA will miss his professionalism; I know I sure will.” And Kerri Milam, Founder and President of Depth Public Relations, Decatur, Ga., said Mike lacks even a whiff of condescension. “He says we ought credit his better half Erica for any positive traits, to which I say a robust thank you,” she said. “He is a trade journalist the likes of which do not frequently saunter along–unerringly and professionally objective even when personally convicted; and an insightful guy whose observations are often delightfully counter-intuitive, and just as often merely delightful. I miss him already but look forward to his enjoying what comes next and will do everything in my power to keep him close.”

Janet Reilly Hewitt, who retired from MBA in 2016 after serving as Editor of Mortgage Banking magazine, Real Estate Finance Today and other publications, called Mike a great colleague who always met his deadlines. “That’s the highest praise a journalist can get, or give,” she noted.

As for me, Mike is a great mentor and I’m grateful he brought me to MBA nearly 12 years ago. His institutional knowledge of the association and the real estate finance industry has saved my bacon dozens of times. And his journalism lessons provided the best on-the-job training a reporter could hope for.

Bill Waterson of Calvin & Hobbes fame once said, “There’s never enough time to do all the nothing you want.” Mike, you deserve to do all the nothing you want with your grandson and the rest of your family. Godspeed, Sir.

Mike noted he will check his personal email account regularly in retirement.
