MBA Education Path to Diversity Scholar Profile: Jessica Dehoux
(One in a continuing series of profiles of participants in the MBA Education Path to Diversity (P2D) Scholarship Program, which enables employees from diverse backgrounds to advance their professional growth and career development.)

Jessica Dehoux is a Mortgage Loan Officer for Chesapeake Bank and has been at the bank for over 15 years. Jessica has an Associate’s Degree in Business Management and an Accounting Certificate from Rappahannock Community College. She has completed the School of Loan Origination, School of Mortgage Banking I and School of Mortgage Banking II through MBA Education. She started her banking career in 2008. She has been in the mortgage lending industry for eight years and in her current position as Loan Officer for four years.
“I am very passionate about serving and volunteering for the community that I live and work in and Chesapeake Bank is a huge supporter of this as well,” Dehoux said. “I am a proud member of the Mathews Rotary Club, serving on several committees. I am heavily involved in the many community service acts and projects that we do all throughout the year. Our motto is “Service Above Self.” This is something that I strive to live by both professionally and personally.”
Dehoux and her husband live in Mathews, Va. with their two boys. “On the weekends we love boating, fishing and going to the beach,” she said.
–How did you learn about the MBA Path to Diversity Program?
My current supervisor encouraged me to apply for this scholarship. She is the reason that we became members of the MBA.
–What inspired you to become more involved? Did a co-worker/supervisor/mentor encourage your participation?
Chesapeake Bank is a big advocate for education and training for all employees and I am lucky to work for a company that cares about its employees and their growth. That’s why I have been working for Chesapeake Bank for over 15 years. It is truly a “Great Place To work”.
–Did you find the application process to be user-friendly?
The application was straightforward and I did find it to be very user-friendly.
–How has the Path to Diversity scholarship benefited you, personally and professionally? What have you been able to bring back to your company as a result of the Path to Diversity program?
This is my third time receiving the MBA Path to Diversity scholarship. Without the help of these funds, I would not have been able to get this far in my education this fast through the MBA.
With the scholarship, I was able to take School of Mortgage Banking I and II and will be taking the third and final class. Completing and passing all three classes will earn me the AMP designation. I am so grateful to have received the scholarship to fund all three courses. I have learned so much by taking these courses through the Mortgage Bankers Association.
I now have a better, more in-depth understanding of the mortgage industry. I also feel that by receiving the scholarship myself, I have encouraged others in my organization to apply.
–What would you say to someone considering applying for a Path to Diversity scholarship?
There is nothing to lose by applying for this scholarship. It could help you meet the next level in your career. Take a chance and invest in yourself. It is so worth it!
About the MBA Path to Diversity Scholarship Program
The Path to Diversity Scholarship Program recognizes existing industry professionals who are seeking to advance their careers through continuing education. Recipients receive a voucher to cover course registration fees, up to a maximum of $2,000, for popular MBA Education courses and designation programs. This education opportunity enables employees from diverse backgrounds to advance their professional growth and career development.
MBA recognizes that a strong, responsible and sustainable real estate finance industry requires a workforce that is reflective of our society at large.
For more information about the Path to Diversity Scholarship Program, click here.