MBA Education Path to Diversity Scholar Profile: Nicole Savage
(One in a continuing series of profiles of participants in the MBA Education Path to Diversity (P2D) Scholarship Program, which enables employees from diverse backgrounds to advance their professional growth and career development.)
MBA NewsLink interviewed Nicole Savage, Business Control Director at Cenlar, about her experience with the MBA Path to Diversity Scholarship Program.
MBA NewsLink: How did you learn about the MBA Path to Diversity Program?

Nicole Savage: I learned about the program from the Chief Control Officer at Cenlar FSB, Lynn Tarantino. While I was aware of the MBA and some programs it offered, I wasn’t aware of the full extent of programs and certifications available. She encouraged me to apply for the scholarship to obtain an additional certification and I’m glad I did.
NewsLink: What inspired you to become more involved? Did a co-worker/supervisor/mentor encourage your participation?
Nicole Savage: My co-workers and team in particular challenge me daily to look at things from a different perspective. They bring such vast knowledge about many levels of mortgage servicing and it pushes me to want to learn more. In an ever-evolving industry there is always something else to learn, incorporate, and ultimately challenge yourself. If I’m going to do something, I want to excel at it –both in a professional and personal sense. Career wise, programs like those offered by the MBA are a perfect way to do just that.
NewsLink: Did you find the application process to be user-friendly?
Nicole Savage: Yes, it was very user-friendly. The application just took a few minutes with a handful of questions and the process was straight forward. A decision was provided fairly quickly, within 4-6 weeks.
NewsLink: How has the Path to Diversity scholarship benefited you, personally and professionally? What have you been able to bring back to your company as a result of the Path to Diversity program?
Nicole Savage: I will use the scholarship for the School of Mortgage Banking course this coming fall. I’m looking forward to expanding my knowledge about mortgage servicing through the program.
NewsLink: What would you say to someone considering applying for a Path to Diversity scholarship?
Nicole Savage: The Path to Diversity scholarship is a great way for individuals from diverse backgrounds to advance their professional development and I’d encourage anyone eligible to apply. It is an excellent way to explore all the education opportunities the MBA has to offer.
About the MBA Path to Diversity Scholarship Program
The Path to Diversity Scholarship Program recognizes existing industry professionals who are seeking to advance their careers through continuing education. Recipients receive a voucher to cover course registration fees, up to a maximum of $2,000, for popular MBA Education courses and designation programs. This education opportunity enables employees from diverse backgrounds to advance their professional growth and career development.
MBA recognizes that a strong, responsible and sustainable real estate finance industry requires a workforce that is reflective of our society at large.
For more information about the Path to Diversity Scholarship Program, click here.