MISMO Recruiting Participants in New Group Focused on Building APIs for Commercial Data

Caitlin Groves cgroves@mba.org.
MISMO®, the real estate finance industry standards organization, issued a call for industry professionals to join a new Development Workgroup focused on developing APIs for MISMO’s Commercial datasets.
Members of the Commercial API DWG will develop APIs for MISMO’s Commercial datasets, including Appraisal, Rent Roll, Financial Operating Statements and Green Utility. The group will create a path forward for broad adoption of these standards across the commercial real estate industry.
“MISMO is looking forward to this opportunity to collaborate with the commercial real estate industry to create APIs and further the adoption of commercial data standards,” said Jan Davis, Acting President of MISMO. “This work will result in efficiencies across the entire lifecycle of commercial loans, contributing to the digital transformation of our industry.”
Key activities of the DWG will include:
- Gathering vendors, lenders, and other industry participants
- Establishing initial priorities, preliminary plan and any additional resource needs
- Developing a roadmap for implementing APIs
- Creating a phased plan for development and utilization of APIs
The Commercial API Development Workgroup will conduct regular meetings via conference call. Upon completion of the roadmap, subsequent phases may be arranged to continue progress of development of APIs.
Individuals interested in participating in this group who are already MISMO members may join the collaboration site that has been established on MISMO Connect. Those not already members of MISMO who would like to participate should contact info@mismo.org.
MISMO’s work to solve key business challenges is made possible due to lender support of the MISMO Innovation Investment Fee. For information on MISMO and how to join visit MISMO.org.