‘Zombie’ Properties Increase Amid Jump in Foreclosure Activity
ATTOM, Irvine, Calif., said residential properties in the process of foreclosure rose by nearly 13 percent in the second quarter and by nearly 16 percent from a year ago.

MISMO Issues Reporting Guide on Forbearance Data Exchange
MISMO®, the real estate finance industry standards organization, launched a new guide and sample credit response to help industry professionals using MISMO Reference Models v3.4 and v3.5 better report on loans that have been in or are in forbearance.

Private-Sector Employment Slows; Initial Claims Fall to 53-Year Low
ADP, Roseland, N.J., on Thursday said private-sector employment came in below expectations. Meanwhile, the Labor Department reported initial claims for unemployment insurance fell to their lowest levels since 1969.

Trepp: Disruptions Sink Life Insurance Mortgage Returns
Trepp, New York, said life company investments are feeling the effects of major market events that have taken place since early 2022.

Industry Briefs June 3, 2022: Talk’uments Launches Digital Language Services in Six Languages
Limited English Proficiency technology provider Talk’uments, Chevy Chase, Md., now offers digital language services to mortgage lenders in English, Spanish and Mandarin (Chinese), and plans to introduce services in Vietnamese, Korean and Tagalog by the end of the year.