The Week Ahead, Aug. 15, 2022: Five Things to Know

Good morning and happy Monday! We’re halfway through the Dog Days of August. Here’s what’s happening this week:
First, MBA Reports. MBA releases its monthly Builder Applications Survey this Tuesday, Aug. 16, with analysis and commentary from MBA Associate Vice President of Economic and Industry Forecasting Joel Kan.
MBA also releases its Weekly Applications Survey this Wednesday, Aug. 17, with commentary and analysis from Kan.
Second, Other Economic Reports. We mark the start of a busy week for housing reports, led by the MBA Builder Applications Survey (see above)Here are this week’s other economic reports; those that MBA NewsLink will cover are in italics:
Monday: National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index; Empire State Manufacturing Survey
Tuesday: MBA Builder Applications Survey; New Residential Construction; Industrial Production/Capacity Utilization
Wednesday: MBA Weekly Applications Survey; Advance Retail Sales;Business Inventories
Thursday: Initial Claims; Existing Home Sales; Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Survey
Friday: (No reports)
Third, Congress. Actually, no. Congress is in its August recess the Houe and Senate are slated to return on Tuesday, Sept. 6.
For more information about the House and Senate, visit www.house.gov and www.senate.gov, respectively. For more information about upcoming hearings in the Senate Banking Committee, click https://www.banking.senate.gov/hearings. For more information about upcoming hearings in the House Financial Services Committee, click https://financialservices.house.gov/calendar/?EventTypeID=577&Congress=117.
Fourth, the MBA Annual Convention & Expo. Did you see the big announcement last week? The biggest real estate finance industry event of the year—the MBA Annual Convention & Expo—has another big-name speaker: basketball coaching legend Mike Krzyzewski (“Coach K”) keynotes the morning General Session on Tuesday, Oct. 25.
Academy Award-winning actress, singer and dancer Rita Moreno and former House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., also deliver keynote remarks. And we’ll have another big announcement shortly for the always-popular Concert MBA.
MBA Annual22 is little more than two away, taking place Oct. 23-26 at the Music City Center in Nashville. The largest annual gathering of real estate finance professionals, this is the one event you need to gain access to the industry’s power players and innovators.
–Be inspired and get informed by engaging speakers on the Main Stage
–Meet with more than 100 exhibitors in THE HUB and get hands-on access to the latest products and services
–Dive deep into Breakout Sessions to get the insight you need on all the facets of the business
–Connect with industry peers through unparalleled networking opportunities
–Leave MBA ANNUAL22 with more than just great memories. Leave with actionable takeaways for future success.
For more information and to register, click here.
Fifth, Upcoming MBA Conferences. Here is a list of upcoming MBA conferences:
Aug. 29-Sept. 1: MISMO Fall Summit, Washington, D.C.
September 8-9: MBA Human Resources Symposium 2022, Hilton Arlington, Va.
Sept. 11-13: MBA Risk Management, QA and Fraud Prevention Forum, Grand Hyatt Nashville
Sept.15-17: NAMMBA Connect 2022, Orlando, Fla.
Sept. 18-20: MBA Regulatory Compliance Conference, Grand Hyatt Washington, D.C.
Oct. 22: mPowering You: MBA’s Summit for Women in Real Estate Finance, Music City Center Nashville
Oct. 23-26: MBA Annual Convention and Expo, Music City Center Nashville
Nov. 8-10: MBA Accounting and Financial Management Conference, JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge Resort & Spa Phoenix
For more information, click the links above or visit https://www.mba.org/conferences-and-education/conferences-and-meetings.
For the most up-to-date information regarding legislative activity at the state and local level, visit the MBA State Legislative Database here.
For information about MBA Education events, visit http://www.mbaeducation.org.
For information about the National Association of Minority Mortgage Bankers of America (NAMMBA), visit https://www.nammba.org/.
Enjoy the week!