MISMO Seeks Public Comment on MEG 27 to Assess Compatibility Across Reference Model Versions

Tara Dunion tdunion@mba.org
MISMO®, the real estate finance industry standards organization, seeks public comment on MISMO Engineering Guideline 27, which provides guidance to determine if a new version of the MISMO Reference Model is compatible with a previously implemented solution.
The 60-day public comment period for these guidelines runs through June 22.
MISMO MEGs ensure that MISMO work products adhere to all applicable technology standards, are produced in a consistent fashion and meet the needs of the mortgage industry.
When a new version of the MISMO Reference Model is released, organizations need to be able to determine if adopting it could impact solutions designed for a prior version. MEG 27 provides a quick way to begin to assess the potential impact on an organization and offers necessary guidance to address any incompatibility challenges that may exist in implementing the latest version.
This public comment period allows those who participated on the proposal at least 60 days’ notice prior to final release to review and disclose any applicable Patent Rights (as defined by MISMO’s 2018 Intellectual Property Rights Policy).
MISMO requests that any non-participant organization that may have any patent or patent applications, or other intellectual property rights that might be infringed upon by an organization that uses or is compliant with these proposed MISMO products, to disclose them at this time in writing. All comments and disclosures should be directed to info@mismo.org.
MISMO’s work to solve key business challenges is made possible due to lender support of the MISMO Innovation Investment Fee.
For information on MISMO and how to join click here.