Tony Thompson, CMB, of NAMMBA: Got Your Tickets for CONNECT 2022 Yet?
Tony Thompson, CMB, founded the National Association of Minority Mortgage Bankers of America in 2016. NAMMBA is a purpose-driven organization dedicated to inclusion of women and minorities in the mortgage industry who are advocates for sustainable homeownership in local communities. Its mission is to increase the engagement of women and minorities in the mortgage industry by actively being involved at the local, state and national level of the Mortgage Bankers Association. To learn more about NAMMBA, log on to www.nammba.org.

My favorite thing about starting NAMMBA has got to be all people I get to meet every day. And the annual CONNECT Event? It fills my cup and reminds me that I’m a part of something bigger than myself. I am a part of an industry full of people who see that the opportunity to make the world a better place isn’t separate from creating a successful business model.
Every time CONNECT comes around, I find myself surrounded by raw talent, experienced professionals, innovators, and people who are dedicated to expanding their networks and determined to make their mark on the mortgage ecosystem.
I can actually reach out and shake the hands of our membership, and not just meet them through a screen. I also get a chance to meet the professionals at the top of their game who are looking to add more dimension and depth to their talent pool, find innovative ways to reach different audiences, and scope out markets brimming with potential clients.
I think you’re going to love CONNECT for the same reason. You get to meet people who, like you, want to grow their business, build their networks, and drive revenue, but who also believe in the DEI mission of NAMMBA.
And this year’s CONNECT 2022 event is definitely a high point in NAMMBA’s history. Why? Because we are parking NAMMBA’s Annual Networking Event right next to the House of Mouse this year in Orlando, Florida.
Business casual, check.
Gala attire, check.
Mouse ears, check.
Glamorous pool attire, double-check.
Reserve your place for 3 days of access to over 50 workshops, talks, and panel discussions, and keynote events, plus ~100 Exhibitors, up to 3x daily networking opportunities AND the Black-tie Gala.
We’re so ready to kick off CONNECT 2022 that we’re also offering an Early Bird Special of $295 for early registration through May 31 ($395 starting 6/1/2022). Check out our CONNECT page to score your tickets! Don’t pay more at the door!
Remember: if you are a Partner or Sponsor, your employees have special CONNECT 2022 rates coming their way.
(Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect policy of the Mortgage Bankers Association, nor do they connote an MBA endorsement of a specific company, product or service. MBA NewsLink welcomes your submissions. Inquiries can be sent to Mike Sorohan, editor, at msorohan@mba.org; or Michael Tucker, editorial manager, at mtucker@mba.org.)