RIHA: Less Than 10% of Homeowners, Renters Have Missed Multiple Payments During Pandemic
Slightly under five million households did not make their rent or mortgage payments in March, an improvement from December 2020 and the lowest number since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, new research from the Mortgage Bankers Association's Research Institute for Housing America reported.

MBA CONVERGENCE Holds Memphis Job Fair, Homebuyer Fair
The Mortgage Bankers Association’s affordable housing initiative, CONVERGENCE, recently held virtual events in Memphis, Tenn., for area jobseekers and potential home buyers.

ADP: April Employment Jumps by 742,000
Ahead of this Friday’s Employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and this morning’s Initial Claims report from the Labor Department, ADP, Roseland, N.J. said private-sector employment jumped by 742,000 jobs from March to April.

Local Investors Drive Record Demand for Foreclosures
Auction.com, Irvine, Calif., reported more than three out of four distressed property buyers are local investors and nearly nine in 10 purchased five or fewer investment properties in 2020.