MBA Releases Q1 Commercial/Multifamily DataBook

On Wednesday, the Mortgage Bankers Association released its first quarter Commercial/Multifamily DataBook.
The report summarizes major industry trends, with charts and tables that provide historical information on commercial and multifamily real estate markets.
The first-quarter report provides a lookback of economic activity, originations, mortgage debt outstanding lending activity and loan performance – all during a time when the economy, households and the industry were dealing with the positives of increased vaccinations and negatives of still high caseloads.
Now, said MBA Vice President of Commercial Real Estate Research Jamie Woodwell, with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to fade, questions about the post-pandemic impacts to different property types are already beginning to be answered as the economy reopens.
“As the uncertainty from the COVID-19 pandemic wanes, lenders will have greater clarity into the different properties and property types and be in stronger positions to make new loans,” Woodwell said.
The MBA Commercial/Multifamily DataBook is a quarterly compendium of the latest MBA research on trends and conditions in the commercial/multifamily mortgage industry. The report is published by the Research and Economics staff of MBA and contains tables, charts and analysis of key trends taking place in the commercial real estate finance industry.
Click here to view Q1 2021 and other recent reports.