MBA Education Path to Diversity Scholar Profile: Christa Thomas
(One of a continuing series of profiles of participants in the MBA Education Path to Diversity (P2D) Scholarship Program, which enables employees from diverse backgrounds to advance their professional growth and career development.)
MBA NEWSLINK: Tell us about yourself.

CHRISTA THOMAS: My name is Christa Thomas and I am presently employed with INHP (Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership Inc.), a non-profit in Indianapolis, Ind. My current role is the Assistant Director of Lending Operations. I have been lucky enough to sustain a career in the mortgage industry for the past seven years and I have worn many hats from MLO, Processor, underwriter, AVP of Intake Processing and now my present position, which the most rewarding. I am a mother of two boys, ages 8 and 4. So my free time is occupied with making sure they are at games, school functions and church events.
NEWSLINK: How did you learn about the MBA Path to Diversity Program?
THOMAS: I visited the MBA website to research the courses available and I noticed the banner. I went to the page to obtain further information and decided that I would go for it.
NEWSLINK: What inspired you to become more involved? Did a co-worker/supervisor/mentor encourage your participation?
THOMAS: I really look up to my manager and I strive to be as knowledgeable as her one day. During one of our one on ones I asked her for advice as to what I could do to further my skillset and to be more of an asset to the company. She recommended for me to research the certification for residential underwriter course, as she has taken the course and felt that it was a valuable certification and truly helpful.
NEWSLINK: Did you find the application process to be user-friendly?
THOMAS: The application process was easy and worth the time and effort. If someone is truly vested in furthering their education and career, then completing the task required should be simple.
NEWSLINK: How has the Path to Diversity scholarship benefited you, personally and professionally?
THOMAS: It has made me feel more confident in my underwriter skillset. I feel that having the CRU designation will be a true asset and accomplishment to have that designation after my title. I can say just being chosen for the scholarship was a proud moment for me. I am dedicated to my career and this is a step in the right direction to accomplish my career goals.
NEWSLINK: What have you been able to bring back to your company as a result of the Path to Diversity program?
THOMAS: On a personal level I feel that my underwriting skillset has elevated which will enable me to train my team and ensure file quality and compliance for our organization. I also believe that it has motivated some of my team members to want to work harder and to obtain further education opportunities.
NEWSLNK: What would you say to someone considering applying for a Path to Diversity scholarship?
THOMAS: I would say don’t get overwhelmed by the questions and the steps you must take to apply. Just remember why you are seeking this opportunity and pour your heart out. Just be authentic and honest. Don’t overthink it.
About the MBA Path to Diversity Scholarship Program

The Path to Diversity Scholarship Program recognizes existing industry professionals who are seeking to advance their careers through continuing education. Recipients receive a voucher to cover course registration fees, up to a maximum of $2,000, for popular MBA Education courses and designation programs. This education opportunity enables employees from diverse backgrounds to advance their professional growth and career development.
MBA recognizes that a strong, responsible and sustainable real estate finance industry requires a workforce that is reflective of our society at large.
For more information about the Path to Diversity Scholarship Program, click https://www.mba.org/conferences-and-education/mba-education/path-to-diversity.