MBA Education Ten Things Your Mortgage Company Must Do in 2019 Webinar Jan. 17

MBA Education presents a webinar, Ten Things Your Mortgage Company Must Do in 2019, on Wednesday, Jan. 17 from 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET.

This webinar is part of MBA Education’s “Mortgage Banking Management” webinar series with Garrett, McAuley & Co.

For most companies, 2018 was a challenge with volumes dropping and profits shrinking, and 2019 looks to start out the same way. Now, early in the year, is the right time to make take steps to improve your business for 2019, while it can make a real difference.

This webinar provides participants with a Top Ten list of strategic initiatives that all mortgage bankers should implement in 2019. These very specific and very actionable suggestions will help you and your team focus on what will increase revenues, control costs and better manage risk, not only in 2019 but also every year thereafter. And they’re all things you can start to work on right away.

Michael D. McAuley, Principal, Garrett, McAuley & Co.
Joe Garrett, Principal, Garrett, McAuley & Co.

Who Should Attend
Presidents of independent mortgage companies.
Senior Officers of mortgage companies, including COOs, CFOs, Operations Managers, and Secondary Marketing Managers.
Warehouse lenders.
Bank CFOs
Directors and major shareholders of Banks and mortgage companies.
Private equity managers and industry analysts.
Education and training managers of banks and mortgage companies.

Mortgage Banking Management Series
The Mortgage Banking Management webinar series is presented in collaboration with MBA Education and Garrett, McAuley & Co. Our goal is to help MBA members increase revenues, control cost and better manage risk. The series includes the following webinars:

1. Ten Things Your Company Must Do in 2019 (January 17)
2. Twenty Performance Ratios Every Mortgage Banker Must Know (February 27)
3. Warehouse Lending (March 14)
4. Bank-Owned Mortgage Divisions (April 11)
5. Benchmarking Yourself as a Mortgage Lender (May 7)
6. Introduction to Internal Audits for Mortgage Bankers (June 20)
7. Using Internal Audits to Detect Risk & Improve Profitability (June 27)
8. Should You Sell to a Bank, Go to Work for a Bank, or (Let’s Think Big) Buy a Bank (August 21)
9. Budgeting and Financial Planning for Non-Believers (September 18)
10. End of the year webinar TBA

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Attendees who register for three or more Garrett McAuley webinars in the “Mortgage Banking Management” webinar series are eligible to receive a 10% discount off each webinar registration. Please contact to receive discount.

Login instructions will be sent to paid attendees in advance of the webinar. All paid attendees will receive a copy of the audio recording and PowerPoint deck at the conclusion of the webinar.

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