MBA Premier Member Profile: Silverline

(One in a continuing series of profiles of Premier Members of the Mortgage Bankers Association.)

Silverline is a Salesforce Platinum Cloud Alliance Partner headquartered in New York City with experienced, innovative consultants around the world. It is focused on developing powerful solutions, deployed on the Salesforce Platform, and robust third party apps.

SilverlineSilverline’s results-driven methodology leverages best practices acquired by more than 1,100 implementations, with significant expertise in financial services, including mortgage companies; banks and credit unions; wealth management firms; investment banks; hedge funds; and insurance companies. As part of the Ellie Mae Pro Consulting Program, Silverline provides seamless integration between Encompass and the Salesforce Platform. Additionally, Silverline offers industry-proven, Salesforce Fullforce Certified accelerators including Mortgage360.

Key Personnel

–Kai Hsuing, Chief Growth Officer

–Fred Cadena, Director, Financial Services Delivery Practice

–Alicia Gunderson, Partner Alliance Sr. Manager–Financial Services

–Thomas Lentz, Principal, Mortgage & Commercial Lending Solutions

MBA NEWSLINK: What is the most important issue facing your company right now?

KAI HSUING: Innovations in digital solutions are outpacing the mortgage market, and lenders are having difficulty keeping up.

NEWSLINK: What are some key trends your company is tracking?

HSUING: Disruption of traditional lending methods by the convenience of digital-first lenders; the move from transaction-based lending to relationship-based lending; and innovative digital initiatives that can impact the borrower journey

NEWSLINK: Why did your company join the Mortgage Bankers Association?

HSUING: We have deep expertise in helping mortgage lenders implement and grow their Salesforce instance to attract and retain customers, while improving back-end efficiency.

NEWSLINK: How has being an MBA Premier Member benefited your company?

HSUING: We look forward to interacting with some of the best minds in mortgage lending and helping the industry improve its processes through digital solutions.

(MBA Premier Member Profiles are a service provided by the Mortgage Bankers Association and MBA NewsLink as a service to MBA Premier Members. Publication does not constitute an endorsement of a particular company, product or service. For more information about the MBA Premier Member program, contact Rashida Holmes at or 202/557-2779.)