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Mortgage Bond Ratings Get Harder to Decode
Reuters, Aug. 31, 2018--Joy Wiltermuth, Natalie HarrisonCredit rating opinions on new types of residential mortgage bonds have become increasingly divided, making it harder for investors to gauge their risks.
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CFPB Posts Rule Explaining how HMDA Exemptions Will Work
National Mortgage News, Aug. 31, 2018--Kate Berry (subscription)The reg relief law, signed in May, exempts roughly 85% of banks and credit unions from reporting the expanded Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data points introduced for the 2018 reporting year. The mortgage industry lobbied heavily for the changes, particularly for an exemption from disclosures of all points and fees when a loan is originated.
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Odd Parcels: Affordability; Energy Jobs; Conference Tidbits
UExpress, Aug. 31, 2018--Lew SichelmanThe American Dream has become the American Pipe Dream for many wannabe homeowners. Here's why.
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Financial Counselors Lift Distressed Mortgage Value
Mortgage Daily, Aug. 31, 2018--Sam GarciaInvestors who acquire distressed home loans at a significant discount could raise the value of their investments with financial counselors who help borrowers increase their cash flow.
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Cashouts Drive Up Weekly Refis, Purchases Sink
Mortgage Daily, Aug. 31, 2018A 3 percent decrease from the prior seven-day period was recorded for the U.S. Mortgage Market Index for the week ended Aug. 31.
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Will Federal Control of Fannie and Freddie Ever End?
American Banker, Sept. 3, 2018--Hannah Long (subscription)A decade later, nothing about the federal takeover of the mortgage giants seems temporary. It is the status quo. Efforts for comprehensive housing finance reform keep getting derailed, leaving many to wonder if it will take a disruptive event--a sudden change in political power, another crisis or something else--to force policymakers to set the GSEs on a permanent path forward.
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U.S. Consumer Sentiment Falls to Seven-Month Low
Reuters, Aug. 31, 2018--Lucia MutikaniU.S. consumer sentiment fell to a seven-month low in August as households worried about rising prices amid a robust economy and tensions between the United States and its main trade partners.
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