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Mortgage Credit Eases in October
Scotsman Guide, Nov. 6, 2018--Victor WhitmanMortgage credit loosened in October as conventional loans with low downpayments became more readily available for first-time buyers, the Mortgage Bankers Association reported.
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Servicers Can’t Slack on Compliance as States Step Up Oversight: S&P
National Mortgage News, Nov. 6, 2018--Brad Finkelstein (subscription)While the foreclosure crisis is over and federal regulators are being less assertive on enforcement actions, mortgage servicers can't let their guard down about compliance, according to Standard & Poor's.
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Ocwen Renews Resolve to Cut Costs Using Scale as Its Loss Deepens
National Mortgage News, Nov. 6, 2018--Bonnie Sinnock (subscription)Ocwen Financial Corp. recorded a deeper quarterly loss of $41 million after acquiring PHH Corp., but still expects the deal's economies of scale to eventually lower costs and restore profitability.
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Wells Fargo Reveals Software Error Led to Hundreds of Faulty Foreclosures
HousingWire, Nov. 6, 2018--Ben LaneEarlier this year, Wells Fargo revealed that a software error in its mortgage underwriting system led to hundreds of unnecessary foreclosures, but now it appears the problem is even bigger than the troubled bank first thought.
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What Democrats’ House Takeover Means for Banks
American Banker, Nov. 6, 2018--Neil Haggerty (subscription)The Democrats' takeover of the House Tuesday will bring a sea change in the chamber's rhetoric toward financial services issues. What has been a focus on easing rules, tax cuts and expanding access to credit will likely be replaced by more attention on the industry's mistakes and efforts to protect consumers.
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Black Knight Boosts Origination System by Acquiring Ernst Publishing
HousingWire, Nov. 6, 2018--Ben LaneBlack Knight's loan origination system is about to get an upgrade, as the company announced Tuesday that it acquired Ernst Publishing, a provider of technology and closing cost data for the real estate and mortgage finance industries.
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Texas Remote Notary Law a Tipping Point for Online Mortgage Closings
National Mortgage News, Nov. 6, 2018--Rick Triola (subscription)The author, CEO of Notarycam, says Virginia made e-closing possible seven years ago with its authorization of remote, online notarization, and now Texas has blown the doors wide open. "It's time to get your tech in place--or get left behind."
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