The Lede

Top National News

Lowe’s to Close Nearly 50 Stores
Wall Street Journal, Nov. 5, 2018--Sarah Nassauer (subscription)Lowe's Cos. Inc. said it would close nearly 50 stores as a new CEO seeks to boost sales by shedding less-profitable locations and focus spending elsewhere.
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Private-Label RMBS on Track to Surge Again in 2019: Bank of America
National Mortgage News, Nov. 5, 2018--Bonnie Sinnock (subscription)Although forecasts anticipate a continuing drop in overall originations, private-label residential mortgage-backed securitizations backed by newer loans are expected to keep increasing through next year, according to Bank of America.
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Moody’s Homebuilding Outlook Falls from Positie to Just OK
HousingWire, Nov. 5, 2018--Alcynna LloydMoody's Investor Service has lowered its homebuilding outlook from positive to stable, signaling macro factors and order trends are expected to impact future growth.
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Reverse Mortgage Market Closes Out October with Positive Gains
HousingWire, Nov. 5, 2018--Jessica GuerinRMI President John Lunde said the numbers continue to point to a slow recovery for the HECM industry, which has seen volume nosedive this year thanks to program changes issued last October.
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Single-Family Rental Market Sees an Uptick in Portfolio Sales as Institutional Owners Prune Their Holdings
National Real Estate Investor, Nov. 5, 2018--Mary DiduchSingle-family rental owners are selling off big chunks of their portfolios at the highest level in more than a decade, according to data from one research firm.
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October Service Sector Growth Strong as Economy Remains Hot
CNBC, Nov. 5, 2018--Michael ScheetzU.S. services expanded in October more than anticipated as economic growth remained hot, according to a report Monday.
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Residential Finance News

Commercial/Multifamily News

MBA News

MBA Accounting & Financial Management Conference in Orlando Nov. 12-14
The Mortgage Bankers Association's MBA Accounting & Financial Management Conference takes place in Orlando Nov. 12-14.
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MBA Education Fundamentals and Best Practices in Mortgage Accounting Workshop Nov. 12
MBA Education presents a workshop, Fundamentals and Best Practices in Mortgage Accounting Workshop, on Monday, Nov. 12 at the Hyatt Regency Orlando.
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