MBANow: MBA Opens Doors Foundation President Deborah Dubois
The Mortgage Bankers Association released a new MBANow video featuring newly appointed President of the MBA Opens Doors Foundation, Deborah Dubois, who discusses her plans to grow the Foundation in the coming years.
Dubois serves as chief executive of the Foundation, spearheading development and execution of a long-term strategic plan, growing the Foundation’s donor base and overseeing its day-to-day activities. Prior to joining MBA Opens Doors, Dubois served for 14 years as Chief Development Officer for the Center for Public Integrity, a nonprofit investigative news organization; and as Deputy Executive Director for Justice at Stake and Vice President for the National Legal Aid & Defender Association.
Dubois said implications of the new tax law are of “concern” for the Foundation, and the subject of many conversations. “From a charitable giving perspective, the increase in the standard deduction could pose a disincentive to people to itemize their charitable gifts, and if they don’t itemize their charitable gifts there’s less of a tax incentive to give,” she said. “This, coupled with the increase in the demand for Foundation services is an intersection I’m watching carefully. I do hope that people of means and that corporations that work within vulnerable communities will continue to give and give generously, so that the Foundation can meet that rising demand with an expanded number of grants.”
Dubois said the Foundation has ambitious plans for the coming years. “I’m incredibly fortunate to be standing on the good work of the former president of the Foundation, Teresa Betz, who along with the Foundation’s Board of Directors was able to stand up a foundation and establish it as a critical part of a family’s support structure,” she said. “In the nearer term, my goal is to really put together a complete picture of the different parts of the MBA community so I can harness and maximize the interest and the giving and the Foundation already receives.”
MBA Opens Doors provides rental and mortgage payment assistance to families with critically ill children, allowing parents and guardians to be by a child’s side during treatment, without fear of jeopardizing their home. MBA Opens Doors has made 1,800 grant awards to eligible families since 2012.
“We are a small but might Foundation,” Dubois said. “In the longer term, my focus will be on securing more multi-year grants and multi-year gifts, so that the Foundation can expand its footprint in different cities across the country so we can meet the growing demand for assistance.” She added she also looks to form partnerships with other hospitals, corporations and charitable organization.
Potential recipients of the grants are identified through the Foundation’s ongoing relationship with nine children’s hospitals in Washington D.C., Boston, Dallas-Fort Worth, Denver, Houston, northern and southern California and Akron, Ohio. MBA Opens Doors is a 501(c)(3) organization, and all contributions are tax deductible. For more information about the Foundation or to make a donation, visit www.mbaopensdoors.org.