MBA Readership Survey Underway; Ends Tonight
The Mortgage Bankers Association is conducting a Readership Survey for MBA NewsLink and MBA Insights.
As a NewsLink/Insights reader, you have received emails asking to take a few moments to complete the survey. We encourage you to do so.
MBA NewsLink and MBA Insights are key benefits of your MBA membership. MBA NewsLink is in your inbox first thing every weekday morning, providing you with news and information to help you in your work. MBA Insights offers feature stories from MBA staff and industry experts on today’s important real estate finance issues.
Your feedback will help us do a better job of serving your communications needs. Do you like MBA NewsLink the way it is? Do you read MBA Insights? Would you prefer a hybrid publication combining the best of both? These are the answers we need to serve you in the future.
All responses are confidential. To access the survey, please check the message in your inbox. The survey period is open through 11:59 a.m. ET on Friday, June 15.