MBA, Trade Groups Urge Senate Approval of Appleton as HUD Assistant Secretary

The Mortgage Bankers Association and two dozen industry trade groups urged the Senate to approve Seth Appleton’s nomination as HUD Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research.

In the Dec. 14 letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Minority Leader Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., MBA and the trade groups said Appleton possesses the knowledge and expertise to lead this important arm of HUD.

“With a new Congress ready to take office in January 2019, ensuring HUD has the right leaders in place is a key consideration. Mr. Appleton will provide HUD with sound leadership that will enable the Department to move forward on important initiatives,” the letter said.

Appleton currently serves as HUD General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations. During his 13 years as a Capitol Hill staffer he played a strong role in housing policy and was instrumental in helping pass the Housing Opportunity through Modernization Act, which made reforms to the Federal Housing Administration condominium loan program, federal assisted housing programs and Rural Housing Service loan programs.

President Trump nominated Appleton earlier this year; in May he was unanimously approved by the Senate Banking Committee.