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Top National News

Weekly Mortgage Applications Decline, Even as Rates Slip
CNBC, Aug. 19, 2018--Diana OlickTotal mortgage application volume decreased 1.7 percent last week and was 15 percent lower than a year ago, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association's seasonally adjusted report.
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FHA is Making More Mortgages Available to Applicants with Risky Debt Profiles
Washington Post, Aug. 29, 2018--Kenneth R. HarneyFrom January through March of this year, the average credit score for new-home purchase loans was 672, according to FHA data. By contrast, the average was 701 during the same period in 2011. Refinancings where borrowers replace their existing FHA loans with new ones carried average FICO scores of 709 in mid-2012; earlier this year, that had plummeted to 661.
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Second Quarter Loan Originations Pull Big Profits for Mortgage Banks
National Mortgage News, Aug. 29, 2018--Paul Centopani (subscription)With spring homebuying in bloom, the second quarter brought profits to independent mortgage bankers after going negative for the second time ever, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association.
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Fight over Unpopular Fair-Lending Standard Rages Long after Court Case
National Mortgage News, Aug. 29, 2018--Hannah Long (subscription)More than three years after a Supreme Court ruling validated "disparate impact" as a legal argument in fair-lending cases, the banking industry and housing advocacy groups are still at odds over how to interpret the decision.
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CMBS Delinquency Lowest in 9 Years
Mortgage Daily, Aug. 29, 2018A more than 20-basis-point drop in delinquency on securitized commercial real estate loans left the rate at its lowest level in nine years, said Moody's Investors Service.
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Short Supply Pushes Home Buyers To Tipping Point
Mortgage Daily, Aug. 29, 2018An ongoing inadequate supply of residential properties for sale has pushed prospective homebuyers to a tipping point and driven down year-over-year listings seven months in a row, the National Association of Realtors said.
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U.S. Second-Quarter GDP Growth Raised to 4.2 Percent
Reuters, Aug. 29, 2018--Lucia MutikaniU.S. economic growth was a bit stronger than initially thought in the second quarter, notching its best performance in nearly four years and putting the economy on track to hit the Trump administration's goal of 3 percent annual growth.
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Residential Finance News

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MBA News

MISMO ‘Managing Multiple Versions of the MISMO Model’ Webinar Sept. 12
MISMO presents a webinar, MISMO Elective--Managing Multiple Versions of the MISMO Model, on Wednesday, Sept. 12 from noon-1:30 p.m. ET.
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MISMO ‘Managing Multiple Versions of the MISMO Model’ Webinar Sept. 12
MISMO presents a webinar, MISMO Elective--Managing Multiple Versions of the MISMO Model, on Wednesday, Sept. 12 from noon-1:30 p.m. ET.
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MISMO ‘Managing Multiple Versions of the MISMO Model’ Webinar Sept. 12
MISMO presents a webinar, MISMO Elective--Managing Multiple Versions of the MISMO Model, on Wednesday, Sept. 12 from noon-1:30 p.m. ET.
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Upcoming MBA Education School of Mortgage Banking II Courses
MBA Education presents its popular School of Mortgage Banking Course II in Dallas (September) and Tampa, Fla. (November).
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