MBA Premier Member Profile: QuestSoft

(One in a continuing series of profiles of Premier Members of the Mortgage Bankers Association.)

QuestSoftQuestSoft Corp. is a leading provider of compliance software and services to more than 2,500 banks, credit unions and mortgage lending companies. QuestSoft’s automated solutions simplify the collection, analysis, compilation and reporting of key regulatory data for all federal, state and local lending laws, as well as the new CFPB HMDA, NMLS Mortgage Call Reports, CRA, Fair Lending, TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures (TRID) and more.

Key Personnel
–Leonard Ryan, President
–Carey Aimone, Vice President Support & Training
–Steve Butler, Senior Vice President
–Bhavin Shah, Vice President Technology

MBA: What is the most important issue facing your company right now?

LEONARD RYAN, QUESTSOFT: As the premiere HMDA solution provider to the industry, our most important issue through 2018 will be implementation of the new HMDA rules. We are working closely with over 40 vendors as well as the CFPB, to ensure that our customers are easily able to make the transition to the new expanded HDMA dataset. We released a 2018 testing module a year in advance to our 2200+ customers who are providing valuable feedback. This is the biggest change to HDMA since 1975 and we are at the forefront of helping our industry prepare.

MBA: What are some key trends your company is tracking?

RYAN: Increased fair lending analysis; Government monitoring changes; renewed focus on automated compliance.

MBA: Why did your company join the Mortgage Bankers Association?

RYAN: To interface directly with our customer base and provide a conduit between solution providers and the industry at large.

MBA: How has being an MBA Premier Member benefited your company?

RYAN: They say membership has its privileges, and since the MBA is the premier gatekeeper of our industry, we have always benefited from our close association as a trusted service provider.

(MBA Premier Member Profiles are a service provided by the Mortgage Bankers Association and MBA NewsLink as a service to MBA Premier Members. Publication does not constitute an endorsement of a particular company, product or service. For more information about the MBA Premier Member program, contact Rashida Holmes at or 202/557-2779.)