MISMO Block Chain Challenge Day June 9 in Minneapolis
The Mortgage Bankers Association and MISMO present the first Block Chain Challenge, taking place at the MISMO Spring Summit June 9 in Minneapolis.
Block Chain is getting a lot of attention within the mortgage industry, and for good reason: with millions of consumers borrowing to purchase millions of properties and served by thousands of lenders, closing agents, service providers and others, the large mortgage ecosystem may greatly benefit from distributed ledger concepts that serve as the foundation foundation of block chain.
Join MISMO and MBA for the industry’s first ever Block Chain Challenge. Sponsored by Fiserv and Factom, this event will bring industry experts together with Block Chain experts to explore how mortgage industry problems might be solved by this transformative technology Speakers include representatives from Fiserv, Factom, PwC, Capco, Evernym and IBM.
This event is intended to bring industry and Block Chain experts together to discuss innovative solutions to the industry’s most pressing issues. To ensure that industry experts have a foundational understanding of Block Chain, the day will begin with a continuing education panel covering the basics of distributed ledger concepts. To ensure that Block Chain experts understand industry issues, the session will continue with a panel that provides an overview of the industry.
Attendees will then split up to participate in one of several use case work group sessions. These sessions will focus on discussing issues faced by the industry and how block chain might be used to resolve or improve problems. Each workgroup will present its findings during a presentation at the conclusion. We hope, and expect, that some or all of these workgroups will evolve into ongoing communities that continue to collaborate to use block chain to propel the mortgage industry forward.
Who Should Attend
Anyone with an interest in solving today’s business challenges. Knowledge or expertise in block chain is not required. Knowledge of obstacles within our industry, and an openness to new ideas, is all you need to attend.
Why Now?
Block chain has the tantalizing potential to create new opportunities while solving issues that plague the industry. Yet, block chain is not simply a piece of software you plug into your system. Success requires collaboration between different entities. This means we need to start talking and collaborating before upstarts blindside the industry. Now is the time to explore the possibilities of how block chain could be used to solve business challenges experienced by your organization and others in the mortgage finance industry. In our $9 trillion industry, there are numerous challenges to benefit from these new technologies. Don’t miss this opportunity to get ahead of the curve and help shape the conversation on block chain for the mortgage finance industry.
Only those registered for the event will be allowed entry, as space is limited.
The Block Chain Challenge Day registration rate is $250. A reduced rate of $199 is available to MBA and/or MISMO members via a promo code. Send an email to info@mismo.org for more information.
The $250 registration fee is waived for those who are already registered for the MISMO SPRING SUMMIT. Registration is free for members of the MISMO Champions program. However, because space is limited, a separate registration is still required. To obtain the promo code for complimentary registration, send an email to info@mismo.org.
Hotel Information
The Block Chain Challenge Day will take place at the Renaissance Minneapolis Hotel, the Depot at 225 Third Avenue South in Minneapolis.
For more information, including an updated agenda, click http://www.mismo.org/news-and-events/block-chain-challenge-day. For more information about the MISMO Spring Summit, taking place June 5-9, click http://www.mismo.org/news-and-events/mismo-summit-.