MBANow: MBA Members Tout GSE Reform, State & Local Advocacy

The Mortgage Bankers Association released two new MBANow videos featuring MBA members who discuss the future of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the need for GSE reform, as well as MBA’s state and local advocacy efforts.  

The videos can be viewed at and

MBA recently a white paper, GSE Reform: Creating a Sustainable, More Vibrant, Secondary Mortgage Market (, calling on Congress to legislate changes to the current government-sponsored enterprise structure in the wake of their 2008 government takeover.  

MBA members include Fowler Williams, CMB, president and CEO of Crescent Mortgage Co., Atlanta; MBA Board Member Teresa Bryce Bazemore; Byron Boston, President and CEO of Dynex Capital; Mark Jones, Co-Founder and CEO of AmericaFirst Home Mortgage; and Albert Blank, senior vice president of business development with Union Home Mortgage.  

The second video features MBA Vice President of State Government Affairs and Industry Relations William Kooper, who discusses the relationship between MBA and its state and regional mortgage banker associations. He also promotes the upcoming MBA State & Local Workshop, taking place June 19-20 in Washington, D.C.  

Kooper said MBA works with more than 40 state, local and regional mortgage bankers associations. While independent of MBA, he said, they rely heavily on MBA for advice and support for key issues that affect their members.  

“We have a slogan within the community: ‘We Make Each Other Stronger,'” Kooper said. “What we mean by that is that just like MBA members rely on us to represent their interests here in Washington…our industry relies on our state and local members to represent our interest in state capitals and municipal governments.”  

The MBA State and Local Database tracks “thousands” of local bills and regulations across the country, Kooper noted. “It’s a unique value proposition to our members,” he said. “We try to help them.”  

The MBA State Relations Initiative strengthens those efforts; the MBA Board of Directors created the Initiative in 2013. “It focuses on three efforts of partnering around shared interests,” Kooper said. “The first is advocacy; the second is communications and the third is business development…it really leverages the resources of MBA and allows us to center our efforts through the Mortgage Action Alliance.”  

For more information about the State & Local Workshop, click

Other videos in the MBANow series can be viewed at the MBA YouTube channel, The videos are also available on the MBA Insights landing page,