The Lede

Top National News

Fed’s Fischer Says More to Be Done to Prevent Future Crises
Reuters, June 20, 2017--Ann SaphirFederal Reserve Board Vice Chair Stanley Fischer on Tuesday warned that while the U.S. and other countries have taken steps to make their housing finance systems stronger, more needs to be done to prevent a future crisis.
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Freddie Mac Securitization Could Help the Affordable Housing Challenge
National Real Estate Investor, June 20, 2017--Bendix AndersonFreddie Mac issued hundreds of millions of dollars in bonds secured by loans to affordable housing properties, upping the ante on its securitization programs.
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Google’s Next Search Is for Housing
Strategy + Business, June 20, 2017--Daniel GrossGoogle is a search company, an advertising company, and, lately, an autonomous vehicle company. It's also...a real estate development company?
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Lennar Bullish after New Home Demand Reaches 10-Year High
HousingWire, June 20, 2017--Ben LaneLennar Corp. said Tuesday that it saw double-digit increases in revenue from home sales, deliveries of new homes, and orders for new homes in the second quarter.
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Paul Ryan Talks Up Likelihood of Tax Overhaul
Wall Street Journal, June 20, 2017--Richard Rubin (subscription)House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., expressed confidence Tuesday that Republicans can "fix this nation's tax code, once and for all" this year despite a long row of hurdles in front of them.
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CFTC Poised to Lose Sole Democratic Commissioner Bowen in Coming Months
Reuters, June 20, 2017--Sarah N. LynchThe top U.S. derivatives regulator is about to lose its sole Democratic commissioner in the coming months, with Sharon Bowen announcing on Tuesday she intends to step down.
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Nearly $300 Million in Freddie Mac Loans Sold
Mortgage Daily, June 20, 2017Nearly $300 million in re-performing and moderately delinquent single-family mortgages have been sold with a securitization to follow.
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Mortgage Credit Risk Rises as Rates Increase
Mortgage Daily, June 20, 2017After declining to the lowest level of any quarter during the prior 16 years, credit risk on new single-family loans rose. Rising rates contributed to the deterioration.
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Residential Finance News

Commercial/Multifamily News

MBA News

MBA Education Management Essentials for the Mortgage Professional Sept. 26-29
MBA Education presents Management Essentials for the Mortgage Professional at MBA headquarters in Washington, D.C., Sept. 26-29.
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