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Small Lenders to Congress: Here’s the GSE Reform We Don’t Want to See
HousingWire, July 20, 2017--Kelsey RamirezSmall lenders urged Congress to ensure a level playing field for all lenders at a Senate Banking Committee's hearing Before the hearing, the Mortgage Bankers Association sent a letter to the Banking Committee, expressing its support for small lenders. It also emphasized that its proposal for secondary mortgage market reform supports the small mortgage lender market.
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Average U.S. Mortgage Rates Fall; 30-Year at 3.96 Percent
Associated Press, July 20, 2017Long-term U.S. mortgage rates declined this week after two straight weeks of increases. The benchmark 30-year rate slipped back below the significant 4 percent level.
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Zillow: Median Home Value at New High
National Mortgage Professional, July 20, 2017--Phil HallFor the first time ever, the typical U.S. home is worth more than $200,000.
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Ocwen Settles Lawsuit for $56 Million in Cash and Stock
National Mortgage News, July 20, 2017--Brad Finkelstein (subscription)Ocwen Financial Corp. agreed to settle a shareholder lawsuit for a cash payment of $49 million, plus 2.5 million shares of the company's stock.
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TransUnion: December Rate Hike Prevented 1 Million Americans from Paying their Mortgage
HousingWire, July 20, 2017--Kelsey RamirezA new analysis from TransUnion found that 10.6 million Americans could struggle to absorb their increased monthly payments after the Federal Reserve Board raised interest rates in December, however further examination showed only 1 million struggled with being delinquent after the rate hike.
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GOP Efforts to Repeal CFPB Arbitration Rule Off to Rocky Start
National Mortgage News, July 20, 2017--Ian McKendry, Kate Berry (subscription)House and Senate lawmakers formally filed resolutions on Thursday to repeal the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's arbitration rule, but there were early signs that enacting them may prove challenging.
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BB&T Mortgage Earnings, Lending & Servicing Drop
Mortgage Daily, July 20, 2017Mortgage banking income before taxes fell to $73 million from $86 million in the first quarter and an upwardly revised $88 million in the second-quarter 2016. The decline was attributed to lower gains on the net mortgage-servicing rights valuation.
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New Business Surges at MGIC, Defaults Sink
Mortgage Daily, July 20, 2017As quarterly earnings increased at MGIC Investment Corp., new business improved and the share of insured loans that were past due turned lower.
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MBA’s Reform Plan Protects Small Lenders
Scotsman Guide, July 20, 2017--Victor WhitmanDavid Stevens, president and chief executive officer of the Mortgage Bankers Association, discusses how the MBA plan for GSE reform creates a level playing field for lenders regardless of size.
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Fannie Boosts DTI Ratio in New Desktop Underwriter Update
National Mortgage News, July 20, 2017--Brian Collins (subscription)Fannie Mae is increasing the maximum debt-to-income ratio it will allow on purchased loans to 50% from 45% on single-family loans when it rolls out its latest version of Desktop Underwriter on July 29.
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Carson Says HUD Will ‘Reinterpret’ Obama Fair Housing Rule after Republicans Ask for Repeal
HousingWire, July 20, 2017--Ben LaneThe rule in question is the "final rule" on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, which requires that cities and towns that receive federal funding to examine their local housing patterns for racial bias and to design a plan to address any measurable bias.
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U.S. Weekly Jobless Claims Fall to Near Five-Month Low
Reuters, July 20, 2017--Lucia MutikaniAmericans filing for unemployment benefits fell more than expected last week, touching its lowest level in nearly five months, suggesting strong job gains that should continue to underpin economic growth.
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Residential Finance News

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MBA News

Today in MBA Insights
New in today's issue of MBA Insights: MBA President and CEO David Stevens, CMB, discusses the importance of diversity and inclusion in the mortgage industry.
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