Attention Lenders: Upcoming 2018 MBA and STRATMOR Peer Group Roundtables

Is your company flying blind by not using reliable data to support key business decisions? Join an elite group of lenders this spring that participate in the MBA and STRATMOR Peer Group Roundtables.

Our PGR program–which consists of a detailed survey as well as face-to-face roundtables for seven different peer groups–provides detailed performance metrics such as:

–Production volume by loan type
–Production revenues and expenses for four channels: Retail, Broker Wholesale, Correspondent and Consumer Direct
–Breakdown of sales versus fulfillment costs by production channel
–Production support/post-closing costs and personnel
–Personnel and other costs related to technology and corporate allocations
–Systems/vendors used for more than 40 different functions; company profiles and operating models

And, more importantly, it provides anecdotal feedback and perspectives on these metrics that only come from moderated discussions with peers of similar size and operating models. Through the survey results and roundtables, you will gain insights on performance gaps and ways to improve profitability and efficiency.

The survey kick-off (data through December 31, 2017) begins January 15; roundtables take place in March and April.

For small and mid-size lenders and banks, we offer the PGR program only once per year so don’t miss out. To register or obtain more information, contact us today: Marina Walsh at (202) 557-2817 or Visit our website at