MBA CRA Residential Lending Workshop Feb. 21

The Mortgage Bankers Association’s annual CRA Residential Lending Workshop takes place Feb. 21, 2018 at the Embassy Suites Charlotte Uptown in Charlotte, N.C.

The Community Reinvestment Act,, in effect since 1977, encourages federally insured banking institutions to help meet the credit needs of their communities, particularly low and moderate income households in their service area. Fast forward 40 years and we have a wide range of challenges for meeting CRA obligations as it relates specifically to residential mortgage lending.

Among these challenges: general competition for loan volume, movement to a purchase market, tight housing inventories particularly for low-to-moderate income housing, the changing landscape of retail bank branches in an electronic age, and new Home Mortgage Disclosure Act implementation that can track the frequency of buying and selling CRA-eligible loans.

MBA offers this one-day workshop, bringing together residential mortgage lenders to consider improving or expanding their CRA residential mortgage lending programs, whether through growing in-house volume or generating volume through third party partnerships. Regulatory developments, practical case studies and best practices will be covered.

Major Topics
–Regulatory Developments and the Interrelationship among CRA, Fair Lending and HMDA
–Developing a CRA Strategic Plan
–Strategic Partnerships
–Data Analytics

Register today, as attendance is capped at 80 attendees to encourage hands-on discussion and ensure that your specific questions can be addressed. Note: The workshop is not intended to be introductory and assumes a proficient understanding of the Community Reinvestment Act.

Who Should Attend
–CRA Loan Officers
–CRA Compliance Specialists
–Compliance Directors
–Mortgage Product Managers
–Credit Risk Analysts
–Capital Markets Directors
–Regulatory Counsel

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