MBANow: The MBA GSE Reform Plan and Small Lenders
The Mortgage Bankers Association released a new MBANow video featuring MBA Senior Vice President for Residential Policy and Member Engagement Pete Mills discussing the impact of MBA’s GSE Reform plan on smaller lenders.
“The good news is that the debate this year is starting with the principle that small lender access needs to be protected,” Mills said.
The video can be viewed here.
In the interview, Mills cited several specific factors in the plan that will protect small lenders and protect access to the secondary market:
–Level pricing across all lenders regardless of asset size or volume of loans sold
–Preservation of a cash window to make sure small lenders have access to all the programs that are available
–Preservation of servicing release/servicing retained options
–Ensuring credit risk transfers are accessible to lenders of all sizes and do not serve to un-level the playing field from a guarantee fee standpoint.
Other videos in the MBANow series can be viewed at the MBA YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Swk2VUJeZFI&feature=em-uploademail. The videos are also available on the MBA Insights landing page, https://www.mba.org/publications/insights/insights-publication##SubscriberID####RND##&PageID=21109.