MBA Education Creating a Successful Originator Rookie Training Program Aug. 8

MBA Education presents Creating a Successful Originator Rookie Training Program, a webinar taking place Tuesday, Aug. 8 from 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET.

The estimated average age of an originator in mortgage banking today is 54 years old. Within the next five years, attrition of the baby boomer generation leaving mortgage companies will increase dramatically. Without a competent sales staff, firms will not be able to meet their sales growth goals. The issue is not whether inexperienced sales candidates need to be hired, but how to hire and train them effectively.

This webinar covers critical steps in rolling out a successful rookie originator training program and can save you thousands of dollars in launching a rookie program.

–Why a Rookie Program?
–Are You Ready for a Rookie Program? Questions Executives Must Answer First.
–Three Critical Parts to a successful Rookie Program.
–Which Type of Rookie Program Matches Your Firm & Goals?
–How to Select a New Rookie Candidate–Nothing Can Fix a Bad Hire!
–How to Teach Today’s Student–It is Different than When You were in School!
–The Importance of Tactical Coaching & Evaluating Who Should be a Student’s Coach.
–Setting Rookies Up to Succeed–the Need for Ongoing Support.
–Measuring Success and ROI.

–Pat Sherlock, Founder and President, QFS Sales Solutions

Who Should Attend
–Strategy and Operations directors and managers
–Education and training managers of mortgage companies
–Sales executives
–HR executives

Login instructions will be sent to paid attendees in advance of the webinar. All attendees will receive a copy of the audio recording and PowerPoint deck at the conclusion of the webinar.

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