MBA Education Preparing for the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UCD Webinar Aug. 29
MBA Education presents a the first in a two-webinar series, Preparing for the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UCD, on Tuesday, Aug. 29 from 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET.
Join MBA and industry experts for an in-depth look at upcoming Uniform Closing Dataset requirements that become mandatory Sept. 25. The Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UCD reporting requirement is part of a larger effort mandated by the Federal Housing Finance Agency to deliver a standard dataset in support of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Closing Disclosure, ultimately driven by the Know Before You Owe requirements. Panelists will speak to the impact of the UCD requirements on lenders, what the requirements entail, and resources available to lenders.
–What it means to be ready for UCD
–Testing steps with the GSEs
–Vendor Management and options if you are not ready
–Resources available in the market to ensure you are in compliance
–Key industry concerns
–Richard Hill, Vice President of Industry Technology, MBA
–Heather Kerns, Director of Mortgage and Fixed Income, Actualize Consulting
–Matt Seu, Partner, Actualize Consulting
Who Should Attend
–IT Professionals
–Systems Engineers and Analysts
–Operational Analysts and Staff
–Quality Control Staff
–Compliance Officers and Staff
–Chief Information Officers
Login instructions will be sent to attendees in advance of the webinar. All attendees will receive a copy of the audio recording and PowerPoint deck at the conclusion of the webinar.
To register, click https://store.mortgagebankers.org/ProductDetail.aspx?product_code=E2171716DG/REGIS.
Purchasers of both webinars in this series can receive a 15% discount when using the promo code GROUP15 upon checkout.
Session 2: Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UCD: Q&A with the Experts, Sept. 7
As a follow up to the Aug. 29 webinar, MBA and industry experts will be on hand to answer questions from mortgage lenders regarding the upcoming UCD requirements. This is a great opportunity to have your concerns addressed and hear what issues and questions your peers still have. Question should be submitted to Danielle Jackson at djackson@mba.org no later than Friday, September 1.
For more information, click https://www.mba.org/store/events/webinar/preparing-for-the-fannie-mae/freddie-mac-ucd(1)-webinar.