‘She Nailed It:’ MBA Partners with Habitat for Humanity for Women Build
The Mortgage Bankers Association is partnering with Habitat for Humanity of Washington, D.C. in Women Build, a program to support homeownership for women in the Washington, D.C. area.
The program officially launched on International Women’s Day (March 8) and continues through September 14.
MBA is helping Habitat with their fundraising initiative. We want to get MBA members, real estate finance organizations, industry partners or others (non-industry) involved. By being involved in Women Build in this inaugural year, these companies will not only provide resources for Habitat to invest here in the nation’s capital, but validate the belief that safe and secure communities are something in which everyone can believe and benefit from. They will also receive the added benefits of advertising and positive public relations from the Campaign, which will further cement them as a leader in a policy area that is regarded as urgent and vital to DC’s sustainable growth.
Women Build is a nationwide initiative of Habitat for Humanity. This year, Habitat for Humanity of Washington, D.C. will raise funds, advocate and raise awareness for low- and moderate-income women in need of housing by launching a major Women Build campaign in the nation’s capital.
DC Habitat focuses on helping local families build strength, stability,and self-reliance through affordable homeownership opportunities. By working in partnership with families, it offers a hand up, not a handout. Families work alongside us toward the dream of homeownership that provides a path to the middle class and breaks the cycle of poverty.
The campaign consists of a series of team builds, featuring women leaders from all industries and backgrounds, volunteers, community leaders and corporate sponsors (including MBA); a communications and advocacy effort designed to shine a light on challenges low- to moderate-income women in need of housing face when trying to provide a safe home for their family; and a $500,000 fundraising campaign, which will continue through the upcoming months and culminate with an event and celebration at the National Museum of Women in the Arts in September.
By supporting Women Build, you will not only provide capital for us to invest here in the nation’s capital, you and/or your company will be serving as third-party validators of safe and secure communities with healthy, thriving residents–something in which everyone benefits. The added value of supporting your neighbors and communities through Women Build is the positive public relations and visibility you will receive as a leader in a policy area that is regarded as urgent and vital to our city’s sustainable growth.
For more information, click http://www.dchabitat.org/events/women-build/?utm_source=board&utm_campaign=Women Build&utm_medium=email.
For sponsorship information, visit http://www.dchabitat.org/events/women-build/women-build-sponsorship-levels/ or contact Toni Lewis-Bennet, MBA Vice President of Membership, at tlewis@mba.org or 202/557-2752.