MBA Education Intermediate & Advanced Underwriting Scenarios Webinar Today


MBA Education presents a webinar, Intermediate & Advanced Underwriting Scenarios, today, Sept. 14 from 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET.

This 90-minute session will cover moving beyond simple validation of files. The goal of underwriting is not to eliminate risk, but to manage risk. Simply verifying income, assets and collateral is not sufficient to guard against potential misrepresentation and subsequent repurchase risk. The webinar will look to understanding the reasons behind the guidelines and the risks associated with insufficient due diligence.

–What is the Difference between Underwriting and Validation?
–Importance of Accurate Information Classification
–Insights from Credit Reports
–Sources and Continuity of Income
–Source of Fund Requirements
–Property Concerns
–Watching for Misrepresentation
–Conditions of Approval

Who Should Attend
–Loan Officers
–Production Management

–West Beibers, CMB, President, The Commonwealth Group
–Matthew Murphy, Senior Consultant, The Commonwealth Group

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